


It's hard to believe September is almost gone and the house has been quiet for a full three weeks.  For the first time all year, we don't have anyone staying with us!  There are no visiting donors, no board members, advisors, volunteers, travelers, friends or family members sharing our table and dreaming with us about sustainable development here in Africa.  

A highlight during this season of visitors was the great pleasure we had of journeying with a group of young friends who traveled out with Jesse, Annie, Trevor and Karly’s Proper Adventures.  Hosting their adventures as they experienced God in Africa, we grew with them as they opened themselves up to what He had for them here. It was a privilege for us to share our home and lives as people engaged the big questions that Africa raises. We loved collaborating to create a safe space for wrestling with God, and finding him afresh in this hurting, beautiful land.  

Now, with the change of seasons, we are re-acquainting ourselves with rhythms for a house-hold of two.  Work remains very busy for Byron and the guys in the BUV workshop, but evenings bring a restoring quiet.  Well, most evenings do.  Tomorrow our little two-year-old goddaughter, Ellie, arrives for an overnight.  We look forward to something a little less than quiet as we enjoy her good company :)  

Thank you for the love and support!


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